domingo, 9 de junho de 2013


Time is an intangible property, It is non-renewable and you have limited and unpredictable stock to be used along your life.  That way, the popular expression “Time is money” must be changed in our minds to “Time is life”.   As you know, someday your life will finished, but you do not know when, where and how that will be.
This is my first post into “Changing the Word’s Blog”. I decided write about time and life’s relation because that is the most important concept to change our lives and at this point start to change the world.   Probably you are asking to yourself, what do that crazy person speaking?  How are the time and life related to global issues like war, hungry, poverty, healthy, religious conflicts, sexual orientation, intolerance, corruption and lots of others?

Our planet need a big changing NOW.   We do not have much time to spend talking about the best solution for renewable energy market, about the employments generated from the fossil energy industry and we do not have much time to think if the Capitalism, Socialism or Communism will be the best economic system, although we need take a decision quickly.

Our specie will destroy this planet in less time than you can imagine.  It is our responsibility prepare the basis to the next generation.  All economic systems are based in individualism and/or in old concepts about public and private rights.  We need a new order, a new thought, a new collective consciousness based in sharing of resources, ethical relationships and respect with all beings in and maybe out of this planet.

Imagine you sharing 2% of your life (time and money) with all planet.  We are talking about 10 minutes daily from your time and 2% of your money.  Now imagine all society sharing 2% of all resources to invest in better education, healthy, food and technical resources to prepare all world for a big revolution.

Is obvious that we will need a global governance and instances from that around the world to prevent corruption and bad use of this resources.  Unfortunately, we have strong problems with religious conflicts and concepts that have been being used to justify wars, terrorism and human rights abuses.  Believe me, THE HUMANITY NEEDS ONLY ONE “RELIGIOUS” RULE: “Do not do with anyone what you do not want to yourself”.   We do not need one or more Gods to incentive intolerance or judge what is good or bad around the world.  The humans could do it by themselves.

We do not have much more lifetime to spend talking about economic theories or impacts.  We need take action NOW and the first step is change yourself to think collectively.  What to do to have enough to live well and comfortably but think in how to consuming and destroy less the environment resources, how to recycle and reuse more and the best way to share 2% of your life helping people around the world.
That is our propose change the world from inside to outside, one by one. On this way, maybe one day we will have a better world to live. 

Yes, we are dreamers, like John Lennon told us on Imagine song but, we are not alone join us and take your responsibility in the new global order.  Like, share, donate your time and money to this ideology every day.  You need only 10 minutes daily to think about.

Thank you for your time and this way, thank you for your lifetime.   

Eduardo Nicol

Co-founder from The New Order Foundation for ONLY ONE PLANET

Important: English is not my mother language but we need to talk to everyone on everywhere.  Your corrections will help us to be better. Use 2% of your time to help us to translate this post to your mother language or send us corrections that you judge necessary.  Thank you.